Saturday, 9 March 2013

The Local update #4 - That's a wrap!

The dust has settled now on our shoot for The Local, and we're ready to move into post-production next week!

We started off at our first location (Moyola Park Golf Club) just after 10am, got the cast made up (huge thanks to Jen Bowman!) and started running through the first scene.  The three guys worked really well together - Kevin Keenan as Dave, Martin McCann as Alfie, and Justin Davis as Brick - and it was a joy to just listen to their interpretations of the script and their characters.  We shot all 9 angles of the scene before 5pm, and then packed up to move on to our second location, for the third scene - which involved waiting for dark.

That scene was, in my mind, The Big One - the most complicated bit of the film, involving a fair amount of special equipment, including a 10-metre scissor lift.  We got everything rigged up to go, despite some light drizzle, and grabbed the shots we needed in short order once the sun went down. With that done - and a huge weight off my mind - we headed down the road, and finished up our last few shots along the footpath.

This has been, without doubt, the best work day I've ever had.  Everyone involved was not just great to work with, but a pleasure to be around.

I'm still in awe of how great our DP, Paul Christie (standing on a chair in the top photo), and his assistant Anthony King (thumbs up), made the footage look, and I can't wait to get stuck into the edit, and show you all what we've done!

Top photo by Sarah Cosgrove

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